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March 16, 2009



Wow! That is gorgeous!! My kind of shawl!


It's beautiful! And it looks great on you.


I love it!! Just love it!! So my kind of shawl (okay, particularly the fact that it doesn't point at my butt!!!). Now to decide....LSS, heavyweight, Twisted...hmmmmmmm.... Great job Sam!


Great shawl...all the above comments are right! Congratulations!


WooHoo! I love your shawl! I hope to see it in person soon and shop for yarn. Now to just finish knitting my sea creature...


Great job Sam! It's Gorgeomus!
What's next? ;-)

Rowena Philbeck

Awesome, Can't wait to try it. I bought it from you. Looks like just what I have been looking for. Thanks!!


Simply lovely.



That is so beautiful I have bought the pattern immediately!

(I found you whilst googling for a pattern to knit a tadpole - long story!) so thank you to Swimmy and Scaley for directing me here!)

portal flash game

I love it!! Just love it!! So my kind of shawl (okay, particularly the fact that it doesnt point at my butt!!!). Now to decide....LSS, heavyweight, Twisted...hmmmmmmm.... Great job Sam!

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